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To read

Mobility: the road to efficient, controlled and pain free movement

In 2019 I wrote this article for a Dutch Sports Journal named SPORTgericht. In this article I will talk about the importance of mobility for sports performance, the mechanisms behind mobility and how to apply mobility into training. I wrote the original article in Dutch and I recently translated it to English. You can find the original article ‘Mobiliteit: werken aan soepel, vaardig en pijnvrij bewegen‘ here as well. 

The optimal squat depth: till parallel of below parallel?

In 2018 I wrote this article for a Dutch Sports Journal named SPORTgericht. In this article I will talk about the optimal squat depth for increasing general strength. 
I wrote the original article in Dutch and I recently translated it to English. You can find the original article ‘De optimale squat diepte: tot parallel of beneden parallel‘ here as well.

Biomechanical mechanisms of jumping performance in youth elite female soccer players

In 2019 my Master Thesis got published in the Journal of Sports Sciences (pretty cool). I wrote the article on a study I performed myself as a strength & conditioning coach with youth elite female soccer players. After I graduated in Human Movement Sciences my supervisor and I edited the thesis for it to be accepted by the Journal of Sports Sciences. 
The aim of the study was to determine key biomechanical parameters explaining age-related jumping performance differences in youth elite female soccer players. We tested countermovement jump, squat jump and drop jump on 60 players across ages 9-11y, 12-14y and 15-19y. If you are interested in reading the entire article you can find it here. 

To watch

Every week I post videos on my YouTube channel. You can watch some of my videos right here!
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• Mobility
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